Announcement of Selection Stage for Candidates for Mapping Officer ST 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bolaang Mongondow Timur Regency

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Announcement of Selection Stage for Candidates for Mapping Officer ST 2023

Announcement of Selection Stage for Candidates for Mapping Officer ST 2023

January 27, 2022 | BPS Activities

The following is the announcement of the results of the selection of the Statistics Working Area Mapping Officer ahead of the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) Kotamobagu City and East Bolaang Mongondow Regency.
The results of the selection can be seen at the link:

Congratulations to #SahabatData who made it to the next stage!!

Wait for the announcement of location and time info for the interview selection stage, on the website, and Kotamobagu City BPS social media.

For those of you who haven't been lucky, we hope you don't get discouraged.. Hopefully we can work together next time..🙏
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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